Self-Paced Spectroscopy Learning

Fundamentals, best practice, troubleshooting and method development training for spectroscopy users

Separation Science Spectroscopy Tutorials is a leading global portal for fundamentals, best practice, troubleshooting and method development training for analytical spectroscopy techniques, whether you are new to the field or a regular user. Comprehensive, self-paced online courses and validated learning provides a unique education resource for analytical chemists.

Available Tutorials

Improve your analytical skills by visiting the ‘Atomic Spectroscopy Learning Hub’, a free-access portal produced by Separation Science. This course is designed to enhance your knowledge, best practices and troubleshooting skills in the use of atomic spectroscopy techniques. Current course modules include:

Tutorial #4: Laser Ablation (LA) ICP-MS
In this tutorial, Gareth Pearson and guest presenter Dr Sarah Gilbert (University of Adelaide) discuss fundamentals, best practice and applications of laser ablation ICP-MS. Learn when and why you should use LA-ICP-MS, the hardware and software involved, and advice on tuning, optimization and calibration.

Tutorial #3: ICP-MS Speciation
In this tutorial, Gareth Pearson and guest presenter Jenny Nelson will cover the topic of ICP-MS speciation. An introduction and general overview will set the scene for this topic before a more in-depth look at both HPLC-ICP-MS and GC-ICP-MS applications.

Tutorial #2: ICP-MS Application Specific Setup
Here you will learn the fundamentals of routine analysis with aqueous sample, working with high total dissolved solids (TDS) containing sample (i.e., high matrix), organic solvent analysis, and working with samples containing hydrofluoric acid matrix in solution.

Tutorial #1: ICP-MS Sample Introduction
In this first module we’ll take you from the peristaltic pump, which delivers the sample to the instrument, through to extraction of the ions produced in the plasma into the MS detector. We’ll also point out some top tips for sample introduction, and point you in the direction of some further reading and resources.

These tutorials are presented by Dr Gareth Pearson (ICP-MS Supplies Product Manager, Agilent). Currently, Dr Pearson is based at the Spectroscopy Technology Innovation Centre in Melbourne, Australia, and has over 15 years’ experience in Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy.


In this learning series you’ll be provided with video tutorials discussing fundamentals, best practice tips and tricks, and maintenance and troubleshooting advice for atomic absorption spectroscopy. Course modules include:

Tutorial #1: Types & Performance of AA Lamps – covers common types of ‘hollow cathode’ lamps that are available for use with AA instrumentation. Performance and lifetime advantages of will also be addressed.

Tutorial #2: Improving Performance – top 5 tips for improving and optimizing the performance of your flame atomic absorption instruments. Potential issues that can impact on performance will be outlined and advice on maintenance to avoid common problems will be covered.

Tutorial #3: Maintenance, Consumables & Resources – recommended maintenance schedules for flame atomic absorption instrumentation, and guidelines on recommended consumables and supplies that you should stock.

Tutorial #4: Questions & Answers – a series of attendee questions submitted at a recent seminar focusing on real-world tips and tricks to help atomic absorption users with operation and maintenance.

These tutorials are presented by Eric Vanclay (Spectroscopy Supplies Product Marketing Manager, Agilent). He has over 30 years’ experience with all of the atomic spectroscopy techniques. He is based at Agilent’s Spectroscopy Technology Innovation Centre in Melbourne, Australia.


Learn the 6 critical steps to ensure the best performance from your ICP-OES, and achieve successful ICP-OES analyses. The tutorials currently available are:

Tutorial #1: Prevent Nebulizer Blockage
This tutorial will look at the nebulizer in the sample introduction system. You can prevent blockages with some simple precautions which are outlined in this tutorial.

Tutorial #2: Maintaining the Sample Introduction System
This tutorial will look at the other main components of the sample introduction system – the spray chamber and the torch.

Tutorial #3: Prepare Accurate Standards
Here you will hear about the steps and operating procedures you should follow to ensure preparation of accurate standards for your analyses.

Tutorial #4: Optimize the Pump Tubing
Ensuring that this is in good condition is critical to achieve best performance from the instrument.

Tutorial #5: Check Analytical Sensitivity
How check the condition or health of your instrument, and provide some tips that can help you enhance the sensitivity when required.

Tutorial #6: Tips for Routine Maintenance
Some recommended maintenance schedules to ensure you are getting the best performance out of your ICP-OES instrument.


Welcome to the ‘Atomic Spectroscopy Learning Hub: ICP-OES’, a free access portal produced by Separation Science in collaboration with Agilent. The course is designed to improve your knowledge, best practice and troubleshooting skills in the use of ICP-OES techniques. This course currently comprises two modules – the outline for which is below – each module has an associated quiz to validate your learning experience. The modules are:

ICP-OES Sample Introduction Overview
Take this module to:

  • Improve your knowledge on the key components of the ICP-OES sample introduction system.
  • Understand the function and selection factors of peristaltic pump tubing, nebulizers, spray chambers and torches for ICP-OES.
  • Learn best practices and top tips for the various components

ICP-OES Application Specific Setup
In this tutorial, you will learn which sample introduction system components need to be used for successful analysis of different applications. This includes:

  • Standard aqueous analysis
  • High total dissolved solids (TDS) analysis
  • Hydrofluoric (HF) acid samples
  • Organic solvent samples including semi-volatile, volatile and ketone based solvents


In this free-access learning series you’ll be provided with four video tutorials explaining how to use the right information at the right time to help you cut through the everyday complexities of your ICP-MS analysis. The tutorials currently available are:

Tutorial #1: A Closer Look at MassHunter Software
In this tutorial you will learn about some of the simple software tools and time-saving tips that can help you get the very best out of your ICP-MS. You’ll also get a quick introduction to ICP-MS.

Tutorial #2: Simplifying Workflows with Easy-fit Supplies
Learn how to simplify your maintenance and analysis on the ICP-MS. Covered in this section are peristaltic pump tubing, the single piece x-lens to eliminate lens maintenance, and sample loops for the ISIS 3 to simplify setup.

Tutorial #3: ICP-MS Configuration Tools
In this tutorial, you’ll be introduced to a series of resources including the updated Agilent web store, the MassHunter help and learning centre, the ICP-MS supplies quick reference guide, and ICP-MS selector tools.

Tutorial #4: Questions & Answers
Listen to our ICP-MS experts as they answer a series of frequently asked questions relating to ways in which ICP-MS workflows can be made easier.


In this free-access learning series you’ll be provided with video tutorials detailing the critical steps to ensure the best performance from your ICP-MS, and help you achieve successful ICP-MS analyses. The tutorials currently available are:

Tutorial #1: ICP-MS Instrument Set-up, Optimization & Tools to Improve Data Quality
This tutorial will look at some of the simple tools provided in the Agilent MassHunter software to help you optimize the instrument, complete some pre- and post-run performance checks and identify potential issues with your ICP-MS Data Quality to ensure you are getting the best performance from your instrument.

Tutorial #2: ICP-MS Nebulizer Maintenance Tips
This tutorial will look at the nebulizer in the sample introduction system of the ICP-MS. You can prevent blockages with some simple precautions which are outlined in this tutorial.

Tutorial #3: Maintaining the Interface Cones of your ICP-MS
This tutorial will focus on the interface cones of the ICP-MS and provide some tips and operating procedures to help you with cleaning and maintaining the condition of your cones.

Tutorial #4: Maintaining the Sample Introduction System of your ICP-MS
This tutorial will look at the other main components of the ICP-MS sample introduction system – the spray chamber and the torch.

Tutorial #5: Optimizing the Peristaltic Pump Tubing used with your ICP-MS
This tutorial will look at the peristaltic pump tubing used with the ICP-MS and provide some tips to help you optimize this and ensure the longest pumping lifetime.


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