FREE-ACCESS TUTORIALS: Key Steps to Successful ICP-MS Analysis – Register

In this free-access learning series you’ll be provided with video tutorials detailing the critical steps to ensure the best performance from your ICP-MS, and help you achieve successful ICP-MS analyses. The available tutorials, which can each be viewed separately, are listed below. To view these free of charge, simply register using the form opposite.

The tutorials currently available are:

Tutorial #1: ICP-MS Instrument Set-up, Optimization & Tools to Improve Data Quality
This tutorial will look at some of the simple tools provided in the Agilent MassHunter software to help you optimize the instrument, complete some pre- and post-run performance checks and identify potential issues with your ICP-MS Data Quality to ensure you are getting the best performance from your instrument.

Tutorial #2: ICP-MS Nebulizer Maintenance Tips
This tutorial will look at the nebulizer in the sample introduction system of the ICP-MS. You can prevent blockages with some simple precautions which are outlined in this tutorial.

Tutorial #3: Maintaining the Interface Cones of your ICP-MSThis tutorial will focus on the interface cones of the ICP-MS and provide some tips and operating procedures to help you with cleaning and maintaining the condition of your cones.

Tutorial #4: Maintaining the Sample Introduction System of your ICP-MS
This tutorial will look at the other main components of the ICP-MS sample introduction system – the spray chamber and the torch.

Tutorial #5: Optimizing the Peristaltic Pump Tubing used with your ICP-MS
This tutorial will look at the peristaltic pump tubing used with the ICP-MS and provide some tips to help you optimize this and ensure the longest pumping lifetime.

These tutorials are brought to you in collaboration with Agilent, and presented by Alain Desprez.  Alain Desprez completed his PhD, which focused on “The characterization of petroleum product using ICP-MS and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry” at the University of Pau in 2014. The same year, he joined Agilent as an ICP-MS Application Engineer in France. In this role, he has been able to develop his applications knowledge and skills related to atomic spectroscopy by supporting Agilent’s ICP-MS, ICP-OES, MP-AES, and AAS instrumentation in the France Demo Centre. After nine years as an Application Engineer, Alain took on the role of Global ICP-MS Supplies Product Manager and still works from the France Demo Centre in Les Ulis.

To view the free-access tutorials complete the form right.